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Providing emergency healthcare packages to the most vulnerable

for ₹1.5 per person per day

 33 lakhs

30,000 migrants

30 slums

3 cities


SCREENING & DIAGNOSIS: Free medical screening, diagnoses and provision of prescriptions.

MEDICAL & SANITARY KITS: Free supply of essential medicines (conditional on prescriptions) and sanitary kits.

HOSPITAL REFERRAL & COUNSELLING:  Referral to hospitals for care of critical patients and counselling to prevent and manage diseases in slums.



Daily wage and migrant workers do not have access to safe drinking water, sanitation and housing. To make their situation worse, they are more likely to suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, diarrhoea, skin diseases and fevers. For migrant workers, their troubles do not end once they reach home.

COVID-19 has overburdened India's already struggling public health system. Faced with a loss of income resulting from nation-wide lockdowns, those workers suffering from chronic diseases are now unable to access basic primary healthcare. The situation has led many to make a reverse migration to their hometowns and villages, where the facilities are more appalling than the cities they came from.

We want to help and we know you do too. With your help, Swaasthya can provide telemedicine complemented with social distancing. You can transform lives.

What happens to your donations?

We securely receive your donation through Ketto or Democracy

Your donation funds the procurement of essential medicine and materials

Our partner NGOs will provide door to door screening, diagnosis using a telemedicine software


Swaasthya's reach




Meet Our Partners


Operation ASHA

The project will target a group of 10,000 slum dwellers in Okhla and be implemented by Operation Asha, a leading NGO that has provided health services to over 9.5 million people in low income communities in India and abroad. The NGO will use its existing force of trained volunteers to conduct door to door diagnosis via a tried and tested specialised telemedicine software with the help of their existing network of volunteer doctors and drug distributors. 

The organisation has a pre-existing network of 'DOTS centres' which are run in collaboration with their community partners, spread throughout its slums. The organisation uses these centres to serve TB patients for providing medication, collection of sputum samples and for e-Counselling and expert counselling for the communities.


Smile Foundation

The project will target 10,000 workers in 8-10 slums across Hyderabad and be implemented by Smile Foundation. It has already provided basic health services to urban slums in Hyderabad. It will deploy a “Smile on Wheels” mobile van to cater to their needs and supplement the van with their existing telemedicine software in cases where a doctor is not available on board or a specialist doctor is required. 

It operates 41 “Smile on Wheels” Mobile Healthcare Vans, reaching more than 55.19 Lakh beneficiaries. Smile has extensive experience in telemedicine through their existing projects operational at Bhilwara district of Rajasthan through 6 clinics with other states in India including Maharashtra, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh; benefitting 40,200 patients through Telemedicine.

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Medics India

The project will target 10,000 people across 10-15 slums in Angul and be implemented by The Medics, an NGO that has provided healthcare services to over 300,000 poor in Odisha. They will utilize their large pool of existing volunteer doctors for screening 10,000 people and their existing supply chain for procurement, storage and distribution of low cost medication to the intended beneficiaries.

Medics India organizes community health camps to promote health awareness, conduct screening, provide early diagnosis and treatment to the poor. They have supported the local government to provide a holistic response to communicable and non-communicable diseases.

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