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Help our migrant workers!
Isha Outreach: Beat this Virus

Kitchen to community: giving home-cooked meals every day to the poor during the covid-19 lockdown
Talent provides food, masks and sanitizers for 2000 rickshaw pullers and pavement dwellers in Delhi
Gurgaon Unites to support its migrant workers (click here to read story)
Feed My Noida
How can migrant workers be protected?
Mazdoor Dhaba, a citizen's canteen feeding Delhi's slum dwellers during the covid-19 lockdown
Migrants appeal for help
Rakesh Sharma - A courageous individual making a big difference (click here to read story)
India's First Mobile COVID-19 ICU
IGC in conversation with Jean Drèze: The impact of COVID-19 on migrant workers in India
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